In general my digestion has been even better than normal the past few days; perfect really. Proving yet again the 100% correlation between my digestive health and my diet. Everything from perfect digestion, to OK digestion (see my issues of a few days ago re cashews and Lara Bars) to dying with full blown Crohn’s is my choice.
In the past week I’ve cut out the nuts and dried fruits for snacks and have stuck with the best foods for me – meats, eggs, cheeses, and fresh fruits and vegetables. The results have been a move from mostly very good digestion to perfect digestion plus I feel better, look better (no acne at all) sleep better, etc. All of this even when I’ve been on the road for business when, historically, my digestion has been poorest.
Lesson: when I stick with the foods that really work for me (and most of us – See Jordan Rubin’s “Maker’s Diet”) I get to experience perfect digestive health that also translates into other health benefits in my life. Note to self, why not do it all the time!