Well, here’s the update from my last post on my diet and how dairy products, like cheese, as well as how beef affect my digestion.
If you will recall my last post I said I had been experiencing some diarrhea after eating certain meals and thought maybe the problem was caused by cheese. A lot of people have diffilculty with cheese so that wouldn’t be unusual for it to be the case with me either (even though I’ve been eating cheese almost every day for years – you never know, things change). So anyway, I did an elimiation diet for about three weeks and did not eat any cheese or other dairy. Result: The diarrhea continued.
OK, if I ‘ve learned anything about my digestion it is to listen to it carefully and keep looking for answers. It pays off with perfect digestion! I noticed that I had diarrhea after lunch several times when I had eaten a hamburger or a roast beef sandwich. Ah ha! I thought, maybe its the beef – again, even thought I’ve been eating tons of beef for years without noticing a problem (unless I had a big steak right before bed time). Anyway, I started eating cheese and yogurt again and cut out the beef for the past week. Result: Perfect digestion!!!
Yeay. There is nothing like figuring things out and treating the body how it wants to be treated. If there is a main reason for me to be able to say I live almost completely Crohn’s symptom free since 1999 it is because I listen to my digestion and have the discipline to make changes and the FAITH to know that there are solutions out there that cure Crohn’s without drugs and surgery. In this case I would say I was definitely having too much beef too frequently and it wa satarting to cause me some problems. If I stay off it for a while maybe I can experiment and try eating smaller quantities less frequently. We’ll see, but the important thing was to keep listening and staying aware that the body is not static, it is always changing and what works to avoid minor or major digestive problems can evolve too.