Some people ask me if what I did to heal my Crohn’s was to follow the Specific Carbohydrate Diet and the answer is “not exactly.” I don’t follow the SCD Diet per se, but my diet and the SCD are actually quite similar. Mine is just less complicated. What many people may like about SCD is its structure, and scientific support (rather than just one guy ranting and raving like me : ) No problem. My goal is to help people who suffer from Crohn’s, Colitis, etc. get better, not “sell” any particular philosophy. If SCD works for you GREAT. I highly recommend the book fully explaining it – “Breaking the Vicious Cycle” by Elaine Gottschall.”The Specific Carbohydrate Diet™ has proven to be highly successful for many who suffer from various bowel disorders as well as the many related problems which actually stem from imbalances in the intestinal tract.”